Manage Your Secret Santa Events With Confidence

Manage all of your Secret Santa groups in one place. Create groups, randomly assign Secret Santas, add gifts, and anonymously view gifts of the people you are Secret Santa for all in one easy-to-use dashboard.

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Free & Easy

The best way to give & receive gifts

Our intelligent Secret Santa technology enables end-to-end Secret Santa coverage.

Free & easy to use
Our easy to use technology makes the Secret Santa process fun for everyone. Simply add a gift, a price, and a URL for each gift that you'd like and you're done!
Get what you want
Our smart gift display technology shows your Secret Santa exactly what you want. No more ugly sweaters!
No more playing telephone
Since you can see exactly what your Secret Santa recipient is requesting, there is no need to ask around to figure out what they want.
Works great in all situations
Hosting a Secret Santa event at your work or with your family? has you covered! Our technology works regardless of event type.

Make Secret Santa A Breeze

Packed full of features to help make your Secret Santa event a breeze. Including group and gift administration, know that contains all of the features necessary to conduct a successful Secret Santa event every time.

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Get Straight To The Source

No more playing telephone trying to figure out what the person who you are Secret Santa for wants for Christmas. See a live updating list of gift requests from the person you are Secret Santa for live on

Start Your Secret Santa Today
Free Of Charge

Take advantage of best-in-class Secret Santa technology today with